We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.
Women’s health
Contraceptive services are provided by all doctors and nurse Aston who is a family planning trained nurse. She can provide comprehensive advice and regular check ups, including pill checks prior to renewal of prescription. She will also check your diaphragm or IUCD each year and is available for discussion and advice regarding your contraceptive requirements.
- IUCD (the coil) – offered by Dr McSparron, Dr E Martin and Dr K Mercer.
- Contraceptive implant – offered by Dr E Martin and Dr K Mercer
- Cervical smears – offered by all nurses.
Foreign travel advice
Ask at reception at least 6 to 8 weeks before you travel so that your immunisation needs can be assessed and appointments booked with the nurse at appropriate intervals. We provide a simple form for you to complete about your health and your journey.
The practice nurse will research your records and prepare individual advice regarding immunisations and other methods of protection against common diseases. Book your first appointment at least 6 weeks before departure, at any nurse’s clinic.
Some vaccines and other medicines are not available on the NHS. An up to date list of charges is available at reception.
Children’s health
- Child immunisation – twice weekly clinic run by the practice nurses
- Child development – the routine development of all under 5’s is monitored by the health visitors (02382 313091)
If you think that your child is unwell please refer in the first instance to www.what0-18.nhs.uk.
Maternity care
From 17th May 2021 there is a new way for you to register for maternity care at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. You don’t need to contact your GP, we will do that for you. Simply register using this website www.badgernotes.net/SelfReferral/SHIP.
This will notify your midwife team at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust who will contact you to arrange an appointment.
If you are foreign language speaking, or are unable to notify us online, please call 07443 987711. If you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy please do not self-refer, you will need to make an appointment with your GP.
Asthma clinics
Asthma clinics are by appointment with our asthma trained nurse’s Elisa Owen and Susannah Aston. You will need to bring your current inhalers for review. They can also offer spirometry testing.
Diabetic clinics
Diabetic clinics are by prior arrangement with the diabetic nurses, Beata Jarzynska and Susannah Aston. This will involve a general 20 minute review with the nurse after which you may be seen by your doctor for a medication review.
Non-NHS services
Certain services are not covered by the NHS and are therefore liable for a fee. Some examples are insurance forms, pre-employment or driving medicals, fitness for certain sporting activities and some travel injections, etc.
Please allow 5 to 10 working days as standard for completion of any forms that are left at the surgery. However, under certain circumstances it can be up to 28 days, depending on if we need to recall your medical records. Medical records, GPR (General Practitioners Reports) can take up to 30 days.
Please note that if you are leaving insurance claim forms for the doctor to certify, you must fill in your part of the form first, including dates.
An up to date list of private fees is also available at reception and they will be able to advise you of the charge. We regret we are unable to hand over any certificates, claim forms or reports before the appropriate fee has been paid. You may pay by cash or with a debit/credit card.