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Accessible information

Support for patients with specific communication needs

We want to make sure the information you receive from us meets your needs. For some of our patients we recognise that this may need to be in a different format due to a specific communication need.

You may have a specific communication need if you have issues with your sight (i.e. if you have cataracts, glaucoma or are blind or partially sighted) or your hearing (i.e. you are deaf or hard of hearing).

To help us communicate with you better we would like to record your preference for receiving information on our patient information system. This will help us respond to the Accessible Information Standard, recently introduced in health & social care.

For example, once we have recorded your needs on our system, it will help us to send letters in an appropriate format to meet your needs. It will also help us to provide support with other types of communication. This may include alternative format leaflets, a hearing loop or an interpreter for clinic appointments.

What do you do now?

If you are happy for us to record this information about you please contact the surgery for further information.