Patient services team
The patient services team are here to help you. They are your first point of contact with the practice, and are trained to help you make the most appropriate use of all the services we offer. Please ask their advice if you are not sure which member of the team you should see, or which clinic to attend for a specific service.
They can also advise on administrative matters such as medical certificates, test results or hospital letters, often avoiding the need for an appointment with your doctor. They may need to ask you a few details, particularly if you are seeking urgent help.
Please remember they are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as your doctors and nurses, and they are following the doctors instructions to make sure no urgent case is kept waiting unduly.
If you need to talk confidentially, they are happy to take you aside to a quiet corner. They have a difficult job to do, with phone calls and queries from all directions, and we are sure you will treat them with the same courtesy you show your doctor.